A Thousand Cuts is a provocative, thoughtful texting game created by writer and game designer Elizabeth Ballou. The full version of A Thousand Cuts is still in production and the "early edition" version shared here is an award-winner of the 13th Annual Life.Love. Game Design Challenge presented by the nonprofit charity Jennifer Ann's Group.®

Background information about the issues examined in A Thousand Cuts Early Edition.

Supplemental educational materials about some of the issues examined in the game. Included are the background, evolution, and highlights of Title IX legislation. The issue of consent is also covered, as are the four fundamental elements that constitute consent.

Resources and additional information for A Thousand Cuts Early Edition.

Further reading, sources, and external resources about topics covered in the game. Information includes links to nonprofit organizations, helpline contact information, and sample University Title IX policies. Also included are links to additional prosocial games.